Global Warming
Earth has become a hot and dry place. Suddenly, drinking water is a very rare resource and the fight for it has led to the breakdown of civilization, causing devastating wars and destruction. From the ashes of modern society the survivors have organized themselves in tribal structures.
In this real-time-strategy game, up to four warlords gather resources, build camps, raid and loot outposts and fight for survival in the barren wastelands.
The game was developed for the Commodore 64 and runs on the original hardware. A MS-DOS port was also created.
real-time-strategy with two-player support
play against AI, up to 4 players
multiple maps to choose from
original commodore 64 and MS-DOS release

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The game was written and designed by Friedrich Volmering of Windigo-Design
I created the music and sfx using Goat Tracker 2 by Covert Bitops
this game brings me back to the roots as I finally contributed to a c64 game. The computer that started it all for me
Unfortunately, I did not manage to provide a proper MIDI file for the DOS version. So the C64 music is just converted to MIDI