A tribute to Manfred Trenz
Takatis is a free classic 2D side-scrolling shoot'em up game that is meant as a tribute to the works of Manfred Trenz, especially his game Katakis on the C64.
Fight your way through twelve action-packed levels while blasting enemies, dodging asteroids and battling huge bosses. Upgrade your ship's three different primary weapon systems and collect additional extra-weapons and other powerups along the way.
The game will also be re-released for Steam soon.
12 stages in 6 unique worlds
many different powerups including weapon upgrades, special weapons, shields

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Takatis was the first release of the team poke 53280, a hobby-game-dev group that I founded in early 2000 together with Heiko TheWanderer Kalista
All gamecode was written by TheWanderer while I created music, sounds, graphics and levels
It was developed in C++ using MS Visual Studio 6.0 and DirectX 7
The background image in world four is a picture of the original Commodore 64 circuit board
We showed Manfred Trenz an unreleased version. He liked it, but disliked the player's ship, so we changed it last minute
The ending song contains a short passage from the Last Ninja soundtrack
The ship can be changed to the original Katakis sprite from the C64 when using a cheatcode. Just google around a bit :)